Seven steps to beautiful instant Easylawn

If weeds are a problem, spray site with Roundup and leave for 3-4 weeks

Cultivate thoroughly to 100mm. If your soil is poor quality call us for advice.

Level area with board, add soil if necessary to fill low spots. Height should be approx 20mm below concrete paths and patios to allow for EasyLawn.

Consolidate area by trampling with feet or a light garden roller.
Never use a heavy roller.

Rake lightly for final levelling. Any undulations will be accentuated by the EasyLawn.

Roll out EasyLawn starting from a straight edge, stagger edges in 'brick work' pattern and
tightly butt all edges.

When laying is complete water until thoroughly wet through. Roll lightly or consolidate joins with the back of a rake while still moist.

Keep well watered for first 3 weeks after laying until lawn is well established. If the joins open up, the lawn is too dry.
Avoid keeping EasyLawn rolled up as it will dry out and deteriorate quickly. If laying is delayed, stack in a cool place, keep moist and cover from the sun.
Do not mow until grass has reached height of approx 30mm and set the mower height to 20mm. Remove clippings, especially in early days of establishment.