Seasonal Lawn Care Calendar


Begin regular mowing at the appropriate height once the grass starts to grow, clearing twigs and other debris beforehand, to avoid damaging the mower. Trim the lawn edges with a half-moon edging iron or spade. Feed with a proprietary slow release fertiliser in September or October and thereafter as necessary – frequently on poor sandy soils, less often on rich soils – to maintain good green colour. Remember the more you feed the grass, the more the grass will grow and the more often you must cut it. Control worms if necessary. Remove or treat weeds as they are seen.


Continue regular mowing. If you go on holiday, get someone to cut the lawns in your absence. If trailing stems develop in the lawn, a light raking will raise them and allow them to be mown off. Keep the lawn edges tidy using long handled shears or a weed eater. Feed if necessary. Water in dry weather to maintain green colour.


Continue mowing as long as the grass keeps growing. Watch out for diseases and spray to control them. Remove fallen leaves from the lawn and control worms if necessary. Aerate the lawn if necessary, paying particular attention
to paths or heavily worn areas. Use top dressing compost to make good an uneven surface, improve drainage and generally improve the quality of the lawn. If you have a poor soil, an autumn fertiliser dressing may be made.


Have the mower serviced while it is not in use. Avoid walking on the lawn if possible when the ground is waterlogged or frost or snow is on the grass. If mild weather allows grass growth, this may be “topped off” to maintain a neat appearance.

After Care Monthly Maintenanance Schedule

Click here to view and download our Easylawn_Maintenance_Schedule.pdf